D-Day Plus Five

I’ve posted reviews of two movies Military.com doesn’t mention in their article of the seven must-see D-Day films. I am not criticizing them; one of these films is obscure and the other was made in Korea, but though I don’t strongly recommend these films, a D-Day movie binge (and why not have a D-Day movie binge?) would be improved by including these to the list.

These films focus on parts of the invasion generally overlooked. My Way shows a Normandy beach attack from a German perspective. The only German soldier worth mentioning in The Longest Day is Gert Fröbe as Sgt. Kaffekanne falling off his mule as the invasion begins.

Storming Juno tries to tell the story of the second most dangerous beach on D-Day, one that is apparently largely untold in film.

I am still less than one hundred movies in, so I may be missing some other worthwhile movies, but Hollywood and I have a pro-American bias that is understandable but almost certainly cheating us of the full story of this global conflict.

New Reviews Posted

My Way

Storming Juno

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